Invoice Factoring Information

The Best Factoring Blog

The best invoice factoring blog on the internet. No clickbait, no external links to capture. Just refined pertinent information about this valuable commercial finance tool.

Debt Financing Awareness

Outsource Cashflow

It is very typical for companies to outsource internal services to firms that provide such services for economy and efficiency.

Debt Financing Awareness

On The Spot

Single invoice financing is also known as spot factoring. This is when a company is only interested in factoring one

Invoice Factoring Information

Customer Planning

Here is how important deciding who to & how to sell is when it comes to invoice factoring or any

Invoice Factoring Information

Considering Factoring

When looking at invoice factoring to help grow a business focus on three main criteria. The first is flexibility. Will

Invoice Factoring Information

Size Matters

Invoice factoring deals are priced by their size. The more commitment to utilize accounts receivable financing the lower the rates.

Invoice Factoring Information


Whether factoring your invoices or not, it is critical to be focused on the cash flows within a company. Incoming

Invoice Factoring Information


Before getting started with invoice factoring, does the business have an existing loan with a bank? An important calculation to

Invoice Factoring Information

The Personal Waiver

Commercial financing, like invoice factoring, regularly requires the owner of the company to sign a personal guarantee waiver. For a