Invoice Factoring Information

Existing Bank Loans And Factoring

Frequently when setting up a receivable factoring facility there is an existing bank loan in place which will require cooperation

Invoice Factoring Information

Customer Credits Drive Funding Availablity

One of the best parts of receivable factoring is the ability to grow a company and not be hampered by

Invoice Factoring Information

Margin Awareness

For invoice factoring to be realistic as an ongoing working capital solution, you must know the effective profit margin for

Invoice Factoring Information

Banks And Collateral

When we get an inquiry for invoice factoring we find this situation more times than you can imagine. An early

Invoice Factoring Information

To be, Or not to be

The phone keeps ringing, the emails keep coming, but we need to agree on some basics. A factoring company provides

Invoice Factoring Information

Managing Customer Perceptions

This comes up less often than in the past, concern about the perception of receivable factoring by business owners. They

Debt Financing Awareness

Equity vs Debt. Which To Choose?

Do you know the difference between raising capital from collateral versus having someone buy into your company?  Read this excerpt

Debt Financing Awareness

Term Loans vs Line Of Credit

As a business owner looking for help financing part of your business, it is important to understand the fundamental differences

Invoice Factoring Information

The US Government Is A Customer

More and more businesses are finding the rewards of having the US Government as their best customer. They pay well,