Apparently the Government Printing Office is behind schedule, so attempting to get the pink paper 2010 W-3 forms is becoming difficult. Well, time to forget about using paper – you can register at and submit everything online. The process is very simple and there are tons of other resources available.
Resources For Businesses, Employers, Government Agencies And The Self-Employed
Business Services Online (BSO) enables organizations and authorized individuals to conduct business with the Social Security Administration by providing a degree of authentication that ensures a level of trust. Once registered through BSO, users may request, activate, and access various services and functions. Employers can verify Social Security numbers online using our Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) or through our Telephone – National 800# Employer Verification (TNEV) Businesses can verify SSNs with an individuals consent by using Consent Based SSN Verification Service (CBSV).
Our Appointed Representative Services (ARS) provides the functionality to allow representatives to view records folders electronically through a secure website.
Employers can also visit our W-2 Filing Instructions and Information site for guidance on reporting employee wages.
Government to Government Services online (GSO) is a suite of applications enabling governmental organizations and authorized individuals to conduct business with and submit confidential information to the Social Security Administration.
If you are self-employed, you can visit our Information for the Self-Employed site to learn how your earnings are used for Social Security purposes.