The Federal Register was created to provide access to a wide range of Federal government contractor benefits and opportunities for funding. Each day agencies release hundreds of proposed rules and regulations, meeting notices, final rules, and changes to existing rules in the form of the Federal Register. However in their current format these new regulations and opportunities are very difficult to find and process in meaningful ways. One reason this is important is, staying on top of the latest developments within the government opens up the doors unlimited opportunities. One of the biggest problems agency procurement offices face is finding qualified contractors to bid on new contracts. By following what the government is doing, smart contractors can step in and fill the void by addressing changes or requests.
A small band of open source programmers built a site called The purpose was to address the unyielding amount of data that is poured daily into the Federal Register. Creating the ability to have the Register usable is a bold achievement. By making such documents as the Federal Register searchable, more accessible and easier to digest, govpulse seeks to encourage every citizen to become more involved in the workings of their government and make their voice heard on the things that matter to them, from the smallest to the largest issues.